Torres del Paine National Park in Chile (TDP) was something which we were looking forward to, and dreading at the same time! A good friend of ours had visited the year before, and the pictures that she took were astonishing. Those pictures were one of the defining factors in us choosing to make our...
Our Travellers’ tips for Santiago and around
Santiago Santiago, staged at the foot of the dramatic Andes mountain range, is an absolutely huge city, most of it being modern high-rise and sprawl. Over 30% of the country’s population live there (that’s 5 million). Despite it being a mega city, we found it enjoyable, easy to navigate and with ample green spaces....
Our guide to Easter Island in 2 days…or more!
We visited Easter Island for a week during October, 2015. We had wondered whether to include it in our itinerary at all, as it would certainly take a huge bite out of our backpacking budget. But, what were the chances of us being back in Chile any time soon? We just had to bite...
La Tradición Arequipeña – A guide to Arequipa’s food
After eating so well in Lima, we had high hopes for Arequipa’s food scene. We were not disappointed! So, where and what to eat in the decidedly laid back white city of Arequipa? Picanterias – Picanterias are traditional Arequipeñan restaurants serving robust meals. They are only open at lunchtime. The name indicates that the...