Friday 29th May was my last day at work! Excluding a short period between jobs, I have worked solidly since leaving university, so how does it feel to no longer have that thing that filled my life so entirely?
To be honest it’s a bit early to say (it is only Tuesday), but it did dawn on me the morning of my last day that I was just no longer needed. I gave 2 months notice and recruited and trained up my replacement. A couple more weeks handing over would have been nice, but at some point you just have to let go, and guess what…the world doesn’t end! Not for you and not for those you work with.
After my leaving drinks I cried all the way home on the train. Yes, I was drunk, but I also felt a bit lost. Had I been (willingly) stripped of part of my identity? Had I made a terrible mistake? It was only when a kindly stranger asked me why I was crying that I managed to articulate my feelings. I was not crying because I was unhappy, and I was not crying because I was overjoyed. My tears were an accompaniment to change. When something ends, something else begins. Bring it on!
Thats always the hard part. Looks like you made the right choice!