What was fantastic about Chile we hear you ask? Well, look no further, here is our Chile Top 10!
- Collectivos are certainly not unique to Chile, but we had some amazing near death experiences hurtling around in these shared taxis. In Valparaiso taking a collectivo was the only way to get back up the hill to where we were staying. You paid your 70p (for two!), waited until the taxi was full and then you were off. In about 5 seconds flat the collectivo had zoomed up the windy roads, flinging you all over each other, crushed your shopping and was dropping you by your door. We ended up getting in one taxi so many times that we gave the driver a name – Mr Eucalyptus – this is because the inside of his taxi was decorated with fresh eucalyptus leaves to mark Chilean Independence Day.
- Public toilets worth the money you pay. In Bolivia we grumbled that the toilets were expensive and really they should be paying you to dare to enter them. In Chile we were so happy to actually feel OK about handing over our money for the use of clean toilets!
- Chile has half of Patagonia and it is so stunningly beautiful that we could probably forgive it any of its sins! We loved Torres del Paine and the fjords.
- Clean beautiful nature, no rubbish. Well done Chile for keeping your natural beauty beautiful.
- Population density. There are 24 people per sq km in Chile, compared to 262 in the UK. We’re liking those statistics!
- Good log burners. It can get chilly in Chile, but they have got it covered. Central heating and amazing log burners – a refreshing experience.
- Easter Island. Although Easter Islanders would have it otherwise, Easter Island belongs to Chile. This is one of the most amazing, evocative and interesting places we have ever visited.
- Cheap wine. Need we say more? The wine in Chile is super cheap and of a very good quality. We enjoyed visiting vineyards and generally drinking the stuff.
- Pablo Neruda. Chile spawned one of the most revered poets in the world, Pablo Neruda. He also had some pretty interesting houses and collections, which are fun to visit. There is one in Santiago, one in Valparaiso and one in Isla Negra not far from Valparaiso.
- Big beers. Is a normal sized beer not enough for you? Us neither. Only a massive resealable beer will do. Chile has got it covered, and to encourage you to return your empty bottles for reuse/recycling, shops charge a small returnable amount.
So, there you have it, 10 perfectly good reasons to get your asses over to Chile! What are you waiting for!!!
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