This site
What’s this site about?
We started The Spice of Life Travels primarily as a way to keep in touch with those we love and those who are interested in our travels. However, it has also been our personal opportunity to learn how to articulate and make sense of what we are doing, and why we are doing it. So, writing the blog is fun, it keeps our little grey cells active, and also developing our photography skills has been hugely satisfying.
We hope that the information, guides and opinion that we post here will also be useful to others, even if it just tells you what not to do!
Why The Spice of Life Travels?
The Spice of Life is a nerdy reference to the science fiction novel Dune written by Frank Herbert, which was also famously made into a film of the same name by David Lynch.
(Since you are at it check out this awesome Astral Projection tune sampling Dune!) 🙂
Dune is the only planet in the universe upon which the spice is found. The point we are taking is that the spice is rare and so has extreme value. To us, The Spice of Life means that existing is relatively easy, but finding the spice to really live is the greatest challenge.
Are we different from all the other thousands of travel blogs?
The answer is that we probably aren’t all that different, but we hope that you like our thoughtful (and sometimes plain silly) analysis of history, culture and social affairs of the places we visit. All too often we find that blogs are either so informative and picture heavy that you almost don’t feel like going to explore yourself, or look really professional but are really rather vacuous in their content. Who needs to know what 3 lipsticks to bring to Bali?!
We are not a commercial enterprise, we do this purely for passion, so we are not tailoring our posts in response to demand, or constantly trying to sell you something (although we appreciate you clicking on our affiliate links which might one day fund a couple of beers!). In sum, we do not see travel blogging as a popularity contest but as a worthy pursuit in and on itself, regardless of what we may or may not get out of it in return.